About Us
Starting with something eco-friendly and economical, XwkTech is committed to provide customers from all over the world with high performance refill toner chip, reset drum chip and toner powder.
We’ve come a long way since we were devoted to imaging solutions in last decade. Every year, billions of empty printer cartridges are disposed in the household waste. These used once only cartridges should not be rubbish, they are valuable raw materials. Most cartridges can be recycled several times before essential components begin to wear. We know exactly how to recycle cartridges to save your money and protect our environment.

By reducing our waste and carbon emission, the world will be enjoyable for future generations. Recycling cartridges can reduce unnecessary usage of fuel and raw materials. Most public and private organizations, individuals are aware of the environmental pollution and want to contribute in making a better world.
Let's go green, join XwkTech in recycling cartridges with chip and powder.

We’ve come a long way since we were devoted to imaging solutions in last decade. Every year, billions of empty printer cartridges are disposed in the household waste. These used once only cartridges should not be rubbish, they are valuable raw materials. Most cartridges can be recycled several times before essential components begin to wear. We know exactly how to recycle cartridges to save your money and protect our environment.

By reducing our waste and carbon emission, the world will be enjoyable for future generations. Recycling cartridges can reduce unnecessary usage of fuel and raw materials. Most public and private organizations, individuals are aware of the environmental pollution and want to contribute in making a better world.
Let's go green, join XwkTech in recycling cartridges with chip and powder.